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  3. Where is your Power Spot?

Where is your Power Spot?

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Is there a place that inspires you, a place that you want to be when you feel stuck or lose your motivation, a place that you can imagine and feel relaxed even if you cannot physically go there? 

For me, that place is a rocky slope facing the open sea that I rode my bike to when I was 14, when adolescence took over me with all its grandeur, a windy place even in the hottest weather. When something still bothers me, when I feel crushed under the weight of daily chores or sometimes insurmountable troubles, I close my eyes and go there in my mind. I feel the wind, its coolness and smell, over and over again, sometimes the sound of birds accompanies my imagination, and I usually open my arms to increase the effect of the wind. And there I am.

In coaching, the concept of a “Power Spot” refers to the place where a person feels most powerful, energetic, motivated, and can recharge, so to speak. When a person finds this place for themselves, they can use it to improve their performance and help them achieve their goals. A Power Spot can be a physical place, a mental state, or a specific activity. For one client, it was the house she went to with her family as a child, her grandmother’s house, which always smelled of cookies, and for another, it was the beach road she walked on weekends. Using different tools, we coaches guide our clients to find and strengthen their Power Spots so that they can easily recharge when they need it. 

Now, close your eyes and imagine: Where is your Power Spot?


Esra Eray Karakaya - Kendi İşim | LinkedIn



ATC Professional Coach and Team Coach
