Professional coaching is a general definition of coaching. The field in which coaching will be provided is shaped depending on the field in which coaching service is desired after completing the Professional Coaching training. It is possible to specialize in a single field and provide service only in that field, or it is possible to provide service in several different fields.
So what is professional coaching?
Partnering with clients in an inspiring, thought-provoking and creative process to maximize personal and professional potential.
Let’s come to the main question;
How do you decide if you need coaching support?
• If you have a topic or topics that you feel stuck on,
• If you have decisions that you constantly intend to make but cannot consistently follow through on,
• If you have come to a turning point where you think, “This is not the life I want to live!”
• If you feel like your life is flowing by and you are struggling to keep up,
Coaching support may be just for you.
Because; a professional coach does not judge, make suggestions, or give ideas. He listens to all your sentences with all his ears and reads your body language in detail. He also allows you to clear the sediments that block the flow with a question at points where the flow gets complicated.
In summary; every healthy person needs coaching support.
Gurbet Türkmen
Textile Engineer, ACT Consultancy Business Partner, Professional Coach